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Smart City Edition | November 2021 A SMARTER CITY, IS KEY Ben Fred, Google’s CIO Smart City Solution Providers 2021 20 InnovativeIntelligent Structures : Vantiq : Inscape Data Corporation: Huawei : Unlocking Trillions of Dollars in Underutilized Bridge Asset Value The Astute Enterprise in Real Time Powering Smart City Networks Building a Better Smart City by Leading New ICT Brian J Westcott Ph.D., President & CEO. Marty Sprinzen, CEO David Lin, CTO Liang Hua, Chairman 31 32 22 18 Building The Smart Space Smart City Solution Providers 2021 20 Innovative Ben Fred, Google’s CIOHow ‘Forced Innovation’ Is Shaping Our Connected Communities Flexible Optical Networking Technologies to Enable Smart Cities Smart Cities – Enabling a brighter future Looking Beyond the Hype of Zero Trust A Smarter City, A Smarter Community and Infrastructure is Key Richa Daga, Embedded Soft- ware Engineer, Ciena Smitashree Menon CEO, theboardiQ Tina Gravel, SVP, Appgate Stephanie Atkinson, CEO & Founder of Compass Intelligence Michelle James, Vice President, Strategic Industry Programs at CTIA 20 24 34 34 28 CONTENTS6 SMART CITIES ARE NO MORE A DREAM OF THE FUTURE T he modern smart city framework is an intelligent network of connected objects and machines. The modern smart city concept is essentially about transmitting data using wireless technology and the cloud. This includes Cloud-based IoT applications that receive, analyze, and manage data in real-time to help government organizations and citizens make better decisions that improve quality of life. Smart city concepts clearly prove that communities can improve energy distribution, streamline trash collection, decrease traffic congestion, and improve air quality with help from the IoT and cloud. Creating a connected ecosystem with cloud and IoT also enables devices including traffic lights to connected cars and parking systems to work in seamless coordination. On a deeper note, the first building block of any smart city application is reliable and pervasive wireless connectivity. These technologies include LTE, Bluetooth, and 5G technology. As technology evolves and smart city adoption increases, IT giants are also increasing their focus on smart city solutions. This includes IoT devices and cloud-based solutions from tech giants such as Google and Amazon. In this edition of Enterprise Viewpoint Magazine, we’ve included some leading smart city solution providers. We’ve also added a variety of solutions as well as inputs from some of the top industry leaders. We hope this edition adds value to your smart city initiatives. Simon what is smart city ??Building The Smart Space COVER STORY Smart City Solution Providers 2021 20 InnovativeBen Fred, Google’s CIONext >